Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson, copyright 2006

To keep myself company, I’d taken to conducting chore-time conversations with God. My self-imposed rule was that each conversation must start on a thankful note. Sometimes that kept the discussion from really getting going. I lifted my petticoat out of the wash basket.

“Lord, I do thank you for that warm wind and the promise of spring.” I bent for another clothespin to secure the petticoat. “And I am very thankful that my wash load is small.” Here I thought of Perilee, washing for her family of five. “I count it a true blessing that there are no diapers in my wash.” I shuddered to think of that. “Now, you know I’ve been working on keeping a sunny lookout on life, but I must speak to you about Violet, who is more devil than cow.”

Copyright Keri Collins Lewis 2005-2014. All rights reserved.

Author: Keri

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