My Life Monday: Bits and Pieces

My Sunday afternoon included a surprise lunch invitation that involved grilled burgers by Andrew and entertainment by Bo Davis. Bo makes growling noises & babbles, is a human “sit ‘n’ spin,” and only wants to be burped by his mother. Our tiny creature of habit at 9 months knows his preferences! I got to hear about Kinsey & Andrew’s planned purchase of a fixer-upper and look forward to watching their vision unfold.

We finished watching the 1960/original “Swiss Family Robinson,” (started last week but not completed because it got to be Bo’s bedtime), balanced bank statements, and enjoyed the first solid rain we’ve had in a while. The deer are eating our okra plants which is highly unusual and has Mark frustrated. It’s been too hot for our tomatoes to set fruit for at least a month . . . I’m ready to rip it all up and start over for fall! Mark did plant some okra seeds a couple weeks ago for a fall crop so perhaps they will survive the 4-legged neighbors.

My sewing accomplishments include finishing the block of the month for August and delivering a quilt to newborn Elias, who is a doll.

Here’s to a great week!

Author: Keri