Here Be Monsters! An Adventure Involving Magic, Trolls, and Other Creatures by Alan Snow, copyright 2005

“Strange sounds were filtering through the woods–scrabblings, bleatings, growlings, and, strangest of all, a sound closely resembling bagpipes, or the sound bagpipes would make if they were being strangled, viciously, under a blanket. In a small moonlit clearing in the center of the woods, the sounds grew louder. Suddenly, there was a frantic rustling in the bushes on one side of the clearing, and three large barrel cheeses broke from the undergrowth, running as fast as their legs would carry them. Hurtling across the clearing, bleeting in panic, they disappeared into the bushes on the far side of the clearing, and for a moment, all was still again.”

Copyright Keri Collins Lewis 2005-2014. All rights reserved.

Author: Keri