Welcome to Keri Recommends!
I’ve blogged since 2006, but had a catastrophic loss of content in June 2014. Only my text remains, minus all of the fun photos and videos I’d embedded in the blog.
I’m a happy member of the Poetry Friday blog party and post about my life, book recommendations, recipes, quotes, and poetry.

are you the same Keri Collins that attended the Atlantic Center for the Arts a few years ago.
If so I have been trying a few musical ideas with your poetry
Alex! How are you? I am the same Keri Collins, and would love to hear what you are up to these days.
Keri, you wrote a marvelous haiku about fall that Michelle Barnes showcased on her blog. It is simple, elegant, and a glorious tribute to the beauty of autumn as the leaf stands tall to give a nod to the season. I was wondering if you might like to post this poem in the “Finding Fall Gallery” that I am creating. If so, you can see my thoughts at http://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2014/09/falling-into-place-as-season-turns.html. Thanks for sharing the message fall brings in your haiku.
I want to follow this blog
Thanks, Tabitha! I thought I had fixed it but I hadn’t so thanks for this message. I think it’s fixed now — there’s a place to put in your email on the bottom of the blog. Let me know if you have any trouble.
Helo Keri,
I so enjoyed reading all the many interesting comments and learning about upcoming author and illustrator, Suzy Lee, and the reverso poems. I feel excited and challenged by the invitation to write one! But I would like to try one that would have a comforting sentiment once written in reverse. I think I will try (smile). Thanks for hosting this blog. Leslie Skimmings
Hello, again!
I tried writing a reverso haiku, but it doesn’t quite work. It has about the same meaning either way you read it. But here it is, and I would welcome a photo to go with it if anyone has one to share. Thanks.
ah! a bit of flame
a flash of fire to warm the whitescape
this cardinal in flight
-Leslie Skimmings
Opps, the beat is off. How’s this one? Better?
ah! a bit of flame
a flash fire to warm the whitescape
cardinal in flight
-Leslie Skimmings
I like them both, Leslie! I like the contrast between “flash fire” and “whitescape.” You could invent your own compound word with “flashfire”!
So glad you liked the haiku, Keri. Thank you!
Hey Kerri, I met your husband Mark at the gym Monday. Wonderful guy, he said you could recommend some good books to read with my 5 and 6 yr old girls.