Author: Keri
Simple Approaches to Health
One of the blogs that I have in my reader is by a doctor. Sometimes his posts make no sense…
Weird Stuff
Check out Lois , a “Corpse Flower,” the world’s “largest and smelliest” flower, about to bloom in Houston! It’s growing…
Day 29: Ice Cream!
I like new traditions. I especially like new traditions involving food. (Big surprise!) It appears that whenever I am on…
Day 28: Thanks
Today I sent postcards to some people who’ve put forth extra effort lately. Their work has encouraged and inspired me,…
Day 27: Changing Plans
My plan for the day was to take some books to my friend Melissa. But they didn’t make it into…
Day 26: Cinnamon Rolls
I left my alarm on, so even though it’s Saturday, I was up early. I did yoga, drank coffee, watered…
Molly Moon series by Georgia Byng
One of the books I’m reviewing this month for Children’s Literature is Molly Moon and the Morphing Mystery released in…
Day 25: Links I Love
First off, let me say I *love* Google Reader. It puts blog entries in once place so I don’t have…
Days 21, 22, 23, & 24
I’ve been away from home, office, and computer, so I have some catching up to do. In a way, I…
Day 21: Sharing Chocolate
Today I shared Chocolate Highlander Bars with a colleague who drove about 2 hours each way to help me develop…
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