Category: Miscellaneous
Jane Yolen Interview on 7-Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Since I’m a haphazard blogger here at best, I thought I’d share a link showing how it should be done.My…
Writers’ Huts
I’ve always wanted a cottage to write in, and apparently it’s a common wish. Check out these famous writers’ huts,…
Jane Yolen: NPR Interview
Upon publication of her 300th book (!), National Public Radio interviewed Jane Yolen. … Copyright Keri Collins Lewis 2005-2014. All…
January is for Jane Yolen
Last fall I made myself a list of monthly blog topics, with the idea of keeping to a theme, to…
Paper Art
As a kid, I loved pop-up books. As I’ve grown up, so has the industry, with artists now being called…
Reading Aloud to Kids
Interesting article highlights research on reading aloud. Via Reading Rockets. … Copyright Keri Collins Lewis 2005-2014. All rights reserved.
A podcast about literacy will take you to The National Academies Web site. At the bottom, click on the link to hear an…
My Other Blog
The bees are taking over. I have a new blog. Or, to hear Mark tell it, he has a new…
Happy Reunions
I read a great article in the NY Times about teacher-student reunions on Facebook. The focus was on the positive…
The Backyard Beekeeper by Kim Flottum
One of my favorite books since Mark started this beekeeping adventure is The Backyard Beekeeper by Kim Flottum. It’s easy…
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