Mirror Monday quote & Pentimento

“A book was like stepping through a mirror. I could go somewhere else. Each one was a door to a whole kingdom.”

~Susan Sontag, via The Writer’s Almanac


Last week while traveling for work, I stumbled through a mirror into a small, magical kingdom: a bookstore named Pentimento.


Inside I found lovely comrades-in-reading, Toni Wall and Sunny, the manager. Pentimento specializes in classics, rare & hard-to-find books, first editions, Mississippi authors, and charm. Their children’s room is stocked with old favorites and popular new authors. I came away with three books for middle grade readers and a longing for more time to spend there. Every nook and cranny has a small curiosity to catch your attention — antique spectacles, a first printing of a C.S. Lewis book, a collection of butterfly books.


Next time I hope to have a cup of tea and chat more!



Author: Keri

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